Tuesday, June 17, 2003

The Dress is done, but still no shoes

I'm almost in panic-mode. Just when I think I've got everything under control, suddenly more last minute stuff pops up and I get super overwhelmed!

Well, the good news is that my Dress is finished, and is home with me in the closet in the guest room. Hopefully Kevin won't peek. But I still have no shoes. I ended up buying the pair I thought were ok, only to be criticized by my Mother and Julia's Mom because they are not closed-toe. Good grief. So, Gretchen and I did more shoe shopping while I was in Rochester, but alas, everything I tried on made me look like a Sasquatch.

Atleast I have the dress. Atleast I was able to have a little fun while in Rochester, with my sister and Courtney. Atleast for a few hours I was relatively stress-free.

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