1. i am a natural blonde...really
2. i have played piano since the age of 5, harpsichord since 19, and organ since 21
3. i love dark beer
4. i am obsessed with Tori Amos
5. i have 2 cats and a Cockapoo
6. my favourite colour is red, NOT purple
7. my closest friends are all from high school
8. i was a Girl Scout for many, many years
9. i lived in Cleveland for 9 years
10. sometimes i am afraid i will never be happy
11. i rarely think before i speak
12. i feel years and years older than i actually am
13. i have dreams of conducting a self-composed symphony some day
14. i'm closer to my Dad than my Mom
15. i am fascinated by the Kennedys
16. i love PBS and NPR
17. i haven't watched TV in 2 months (except for Jeopardy)
18. i do crosswords in ink
19. i love the Happy Bunny
20. i am a registered Democrat
21. i emphatically believe the government does not belong in my crotch or my bedroom
22. i own every book written by Margaret Atwood
23. i am a closet hippie
24. i love the beach
25. i am fiercely devoted to my family
26. i am the eldest child
27. i can consume an entire pizza by myself
28. i am more like my mother than i like to admit
29. i can't bake
30. i write a lot of erotic poetry
31. i love to garden
32. i hate sports but will tolerate them if necessary
33. i like hairy men (but not on the back)
34. i do not have a cell phone
35. i love cheeseburgers
36. i avoid going to the mall at all costs...
37. ...even though i have a clothes fetish
38. i curse like a sailor
39. i go to church every Sunday
40. i like to take naps
41. i have never had a manicure
42. i send cards to everyone i know at holidays
43. 85% of my wardrobe is black
44. i was once locked out of the Southern Tier Brewery
45. i'll do anything once, just so i'll have a story to tell afterward
46. i could spend hours under a hot shower
47. i never shave my legs in winter
48. i randomly quote song lyrics and movie lines all the time
49. i get crabby and cynical when i'm tired
50. i am a morning person
51. my pet peeves include people who don't signal when driving, bad manners, backseat drivers, bad spellers, and people who have bad breath
52. i dislike food that is flavoured like other food, i.e. sour cream & chive potato chips and anything barbecue flavoured but barbecue sauce
53. Mexican is my favourite type of food
54. i hate miniature golf
55. i can't ice skate
56. it took me 5 years to learn Euchre
57. i am compulsive about cleaning
58. i hate Yoda and ET - it seriously creeps me out when people impersonate their voices
59. i drink tea
and coffee
60. i love all things chocolate
61. i am impatient
62. listening to rain puts me to sleep
63. my collection of Classical music outnumbers my collection of everything else
64. i took tennis lessons in high school, played softball, and was a lifeguard for 4 years
65. i want to have children some day
66. i'm dying to go to Europe
67. i sometimes feel like no one really knows or understands who i am
68. i like it when boys 'get it'
69. i have kept a journal since 5th grade
70. i've always wanted to travel Route 66 all the way across the country, Kerouac style
71. only recently have i learned who i am, but i still wonder how the hell i got where i am now
72. i forget birthdays
73. i love campfires
74. i hate weddings
75. i am NOT girly
76. there's a piano in my bedroom
77. if i had to choose between a back rub and sex, i'd choose the back rub, and yes i am doing it right
78. frequently i keep myself awake at night by thinking too much
79. i haven't flown on a plane in 12 years
80. i love to sing...in the car, in the shower, in line in the grocery store
81. i have a tendency toward laziness, but i call it self-examination time
82. i don't ever wear shorts unless the temperature is above 80 degrees
83. i make friends easily, and usually almost instantly
84. i have tendonitis in my right shoulder
85. i have never broken a bone (knock wood)
86. i once saved my sister from drowning
87. i think i look bad-ass in sunglasses
88. i don't keep in touch with any of my ex-boyfriends
89. i have been to a nudist beach
90. i love weird people, and those quirky little things that make people who they are
91. my favourite movies are gladiator movies like Spartacus and Ben-Hur
92. i try new things whenever possible
93. i make an interesting impression on parents...
94. ...friends' parents usually think i'm trouble, but boyfriends' parents like me more often than not
95. i haven't had a haircut in 3 years
96. i have an extremely strong sense of compassion
97. i have an extensive collection of wool sweaters and t-shirts
98. sometimes i feel like i was born in the wrong century
99. i know what it feels like to be in love
100. i am a
Righteous Babe