Saturday, September 08, 2007

method = bad PR

Back in June, I left a comment on ljcfyi's post about new Method products that mentioned how the handle on my recently acquired O-Mop had snapped right off after only a few times of use. Not long after, this comment appeared on my blog:

Hope you don't mind me following you from LJC's blog. I just read that your omop handle broke! That sucks!
if you email she can set you up with a new one, stat.

So, I sent the e-mail along with this photo of my broken O-Mop. The reply e-mail I received was:

No Problem,

What you’ve sent is perfect. I’ll send the coupon today. It will cover the cost of a new omop starter kit at Target.

Thanks, and if there’s anything else I can do please let me know,

That was at the beginning of July. Here it is September 8th, and still no coupon for my replacement O-Mop.

1 comment:

Felicia said...

Hey battlemaiden, the day that I received your email I sent your coupon. I remember this because Meredith and I had talked about your post, and i sent it off right away to avoid a public shaming :) I wish I had better handwriting, but it's possible that my chicken scratch could have sent your coupon to another address. If you email me again at, I'll fedex you a replacement omop. It's one of the new ones that will be released in '08 that won't have the same problems with the handle.

Please know, you or anyone reading this post, can always call me at 1-866-9METHOD or email me directly if you need anything. I'm here for you.