Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Unemployment: Day 2

Friday was my last day of work. The company's going out of business plans were confirmed last Thursday afternoon, so in a way I was glad to escape the inevitable. I was sad to leave my co-workers...there was lots of hugging and crying and pizza! Even Boss hugged me and got a little teary when I left. I'll miss them.

Sunday was even worse. My last day at the church. There was even more crying and hugging, but cake instead of pizza. The Pastor announced the reception for me before the service started, and she got all choked up! Amazing! She and I NEVER got along. Anyone who has known me in the past 5 years has heard their fair share of my bitching and moaning about how awful she is. But maybe I touched her life and never even knew it. That's what my Mom says.

I have learned so much about myself from being at that little church. In many ways, my faith journey began there.

Anyway, on Sunday the Pastor did something rather surprising. After she gave the Benediction, everyone sat down while I started the Postlude. At first I couldn't figure out what was happening. I thought I had screwed up. Then I realized they were actually listening to me play! Usually the congregation is falling over themselves to get out of there, especially when it's a nice day, as it was on Sunday. But they all sat down and listened to me play...and I played my very best.

When I was done, the Pastor asked me to come out in front of the altar and I received a standing ovation.

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