I love it when
Julia tags me:
My ex... is someone with whom I had absolutely nothing in common.
Maybe I should... stop futzing around on the internet while I'm at work and make a dent in these motions that need to get filed.
I love... being in a happy, healthy relationship with someone who "gets it."
People would say...I'm anal and uptight, but I think I'm just really well-organized.
I don't understand...why 24 hours in a day aren't enough.
When I wake up in the morning... I pet whatever animal is closest - one of the cats, or the dog, or Ryan. :)
I lost...track of time a lot this week.
Life is full of...little blessings and small miracles. You just have to have enough awareness to recognize them.
My past is something...I have often blocked out, intentionally, only to discover it lurking around later on, rearing its ugly head when I least expect it.
I get annoyed when... people are rude to each other.
Parties are...more fun when they're at our house!
I wish...I didn't worry so much about things I can't control.
Dogs...we have 1. She makes a great substitute for an actual kid.
Cats... we have 2. They are just as loyal as the dog, but require a lot less attention.
Tomorrow... is one day closer to Friday.
I have a low tolerance for... litterbugs, smokers, people with a false sense of self-importance and co-workers with bitch-mouth.
If I had a million dollars... Ryan and I would retire to the Adirondacks after paying off all our debt.
I'm totally terrified of...making the same mistakes my parents made.