Monday, September 30, 2002

A Love-Hate Relationship

I love Autumn. I love watching the leaves change colors. I love wearing wool sweaters. I love backyard bonfires. I DO NOT love Halloween. Granted, yesterday afternoon I made a trip to the farmer's market where I purchased an assortment or gourds and punkins. Granted, I dug out my seasonal decorations and spruced up the house a bit. I will probably also answer the door for the neighborhood trick-or-treaters come 31 October. But it will be with some trepidation. Inevitably something bizarre always happens to me on Halloween. I recall being traumatized at 3 or 4 years of age when my next door neighbor, dressed as Tony the Tiger, lunged at me after my parents urged me to answer the door. Since then it has been like pulling teeth to get me to even participate in any such Halloween-ish activites.

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